We are always looking for easy and quick Facebook tips that we can share with our community. Obviously, there is no replacement for a well designed, planned and executed marketing strategy (that includes social media as one of your channels), but this tip can help a small business owner easily increase their Facebook followers and their reach.
You're busy, so we'll get right to it. There's also a screenshot below.
You post on your business Facebook Page. Your post will hopefully get some likes from users that have already liked/followed your page and saw your post in their Newsfeed. Boosting your post helps extend that reach to users who have not yet liked/followed your page.
But if someone who hasn't yet liked/followed your page interacts with your boosted post --
how can you easily invite them to like your page without cluttering your post with "If you like this post, please like our page too"?
Simple - if you click on the list of people's names who have liked your post, an "Invite to Like [your page]" window pops up. Simply scroll the list and click "Invite" next to each person's name. Facebook then sends a nicely packaged call-to-action to the user to like your page. Using this tip, coupled with a few inexpensively boosted posts can dramatically increase your followers and your normal/unpaid posts' reach.

Also, Don't Forget!
- You can go back to the "Invite to Like" pop-up as many times as you wish. Be sure to go back and revisit old posts and click those invite buttons. You might have a lot of gold you can mine!
- The same way you click on the users who have liked your post, you can also click the "Shares" to view who has shared your post. This will allow you to typically see the share along with any additional information the user typed in. Don't be shy - like their share post as your business page and/or comment a quick thank you message for the user taking the time to share your post.
- BEWARE of "Invite All" browser extensions or javascript code you paste into your browser to automate clicking the invite buttons. While this can save you some time, it can also result in Facebook closing/banning your page because you were violating their rules. Take the time to manually click the buttons. It's not worth the risk to cheat the system.
- Lastly, if you are going to be boosting your posts -- be sure to carefully set your ad demographic so you are targeting your ideal customers in an ideal geographic region. There are MANY help and blog articles out there that can walk you through the boosting process and its best practices.